Working PayAsUGym Discount Codes and Promo Codes

Discount Codes and Offers were last updated on January 03, 2022

Trending PayAsUGym Voucher Codes

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Shoppers Manual For PayAsUGym

PayAsUGym was founded by Jamie & Neil in the year 2010 with a motto of “freedom of fitness for everybody”. They realised the importance of fitness that is an essence to live a healthy and long life. PayAsUGym was created to provide friendly exercises and comfortable gyming options.

At PayAsUGym, they understand that we're all hectic and life is fluid. They also believe that exercise should be fun and the solution to achieving that is diversity. One should include them as a routine not as a job. Variety really works. No matter where you are living or even going to shift to some other place, go ahead with bundles and monthly memberships.

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Find The Best Deals Of PayAsUGym

Have you saved money on the gym fee and selection of the gym? PayAsUGym offers high flexibility on Gym services. Even we allow you to make quick savings with our hottest gym vouchers as well as friendly promotional codes. Are you really surprised? See what you can discover here.

  1. Minimum 10% discount
  2. No contracts, joining fees or inductions
  3. Entry to different pools, fitness classes, gyms, and spas @ £59
  4. Unlimited gym access

Attractive, isn’t it? Just like PayAsUGym, we have various other places, where you can save great pounds on maintaining your health with special voucher codes and deals.

How To Take Benefit Of A Free Discount Voucher?

  1. Browse our website to find a discount code and then visit the PayAsUGym official website.
  2. Choose the plan that seems best to you.
  3. Fill the registration form and select the payment mode.
  4. On the way of payment, make use of promo code as prompted.
  5. Make payment and look ahead with best gym services.
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PayAsUGym FAQs

What Is Unlimited?

Unlimited is referred to a brand new rolling monthly pass that provides you the liberty to access the chief network of gyms, outdoor group exercise, fitness classes, swimming pools, and magnificent spas in the UK.

What places are available?

There are more than 2,000 venues such as gyms, pools and studios and over 170 best venues. On a monthly basis, around 50 new venues are added, so keep checking the website to find out new workouts.

PayAsUGym Contact Information

Sandcroft Avenue Limited
2nd Floor
145-157 St John St
United Kingdom

PayAsUGym On Social Media

Expired PayAsUGym Vouchers & Deals

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 31st Dec 2022

Day Pass Start From £4.95

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 31st Dec 2022

Membership Start From £19.99

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 31st Dec 2022

Monthly Multile Gyms & Fitness Apps Start From £21.99

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 30th Apr 2022

Get Up To 10% Off On Monthly + Pass

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 30th Sep 2018

Unlimited Pass From £59

Expired Voucher

Expired On: 30th Sep 2018

Morton Pool & Fitness Centre Passes From £6

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